Saturday, October 16, 2010

Knowing your coffee

No matter how much you love to wake up and smell the coffee, it is still easy to see why the exotic-sounding macchiato and equally exotic-sounding Caffè Mocha are confused. That's not too surprising! Everything else is the same, is the only difference between the two, a macchiato with a delightful BLOB of steamed cream while Caffè mocha with the expensive foam hot chocolate will be surpassed.
Here are a few of the more popular coffees as well as of roast coffee and what different types of the other.
Italian origin and is Expresso in a with terrace with an intense, hearty taste Cup serviert.Es is a dark roasted coffee is brewed, forcing hot water under pressure from the finely ground coffee beans in a purpose-built Expresso Maschine.Die strength coffee is regulated by the darkness of beans after roasting, the density, which are packed in the machine and the amount of water that are infused.
Caffe Borgia
A petit Cup Expresso topped with lemon and orange peels is Caffe Borgia.
Café l'amore
Romantic klingenden and Cup, served in a petit consisting of Expresso topped with gelato from Café l ' Amore
Caffè Mocha
Caffè Mocha is usually in a petit Cup serviert.Es is essentially a shot of Expresso that exceeded with the foam from hot chocolate
Also in a petit Cup served, foam macchiato consists a shot of Expresso topped with a dollop.
A favorite among coffee lovers, a cappuccino is conceived with a combination of equal parts one shot Expresso and hot milk steamed and topped with a lush frothy head of milk.Pinch is often added cinnamon and cocoa to improve the taste.
Caffe Latte
A big favorite in America, is Caffe Latte made by using a part of the brewed Expresso three parts which foamed latte in a large glass cup or a latte bowl served milk hinzufügen.Caffe crowned with a large amount of foam.
A small amount of Expresso gently poured over a large glass of milk is steamed, what latte of rendered.The Expresso should be left to stay on top and is not in the milk gerührt.Es slowly seeps and instills the milk with a coffee color.
Café au lait
Café au lait a mix of steamed milk and strong coffee easily shall not expresso
Italian and French roast:The beans are roasted and dark; beans almost black in Farbe.Diese produce coffee that has a very strong flavor.
European roast:A combination of 2/3rd heavy roasted beans with 1/3rd medium roasted beans
Vienna roasts:A combination of 2/3rd medium roasted beans with 1/3rd heavy roasted beans
American roast:Medium roasted, American coffee beans produce a coffee that is neither too heavy nor is too light.